Buddha Vacana in Apple App Store

Buddha Vacana is now available in Apple App Store.

Verse selection via date picker wheel.App Icon in iPad Home Screen.

23 August 2011 – Buddha Vacana is now available for download and install in the Apple App Store. If you have the pre-release version, you may need to uninstall before installing from the App Store.



Future updates will go through the Apple App Store.

1.0.1 Release notes
* UI fixes.

1.0 Release notes
* Initial release.

Special Mention:
Charles tirelessly brought 1 x G4 Mac, 1 x G5 Mac, 1 x iBook and 1 MacBook to find out which one supported the Apple iOS development. His personal MacBook is still with me, pending stabilisation and potential fixes. Thank you Charles!

Thanks to my favorite uncle (Gu3-Gu2) and my sis who got me the iPad last year. It helped with the development and testing. Additional testing was made possible through Mommie, Xiuzi, Charles, Bong Leong with their iPhone and iTouch.

Apple Developer programmes’ annual fee was paid through ‘ang bao’ funds *stashed* over the years. Appreciation to all the donors. 😉

No oranges were harmed during the development of this Apple app.

3 thoughts on “Buddha Vacana in Apple App Store”

  1. Hi Shifu. I’ve downloaded the app in my iPhone and iPad. I’d like to share a few comments.

    I do hope you have a plan ahead for the iPad app because there’s too much space for little paragraph.

    For the iPhone app, little paragraph seem to work fine. Maybe make the font slightly larger for better readability.

    Thank you for making the app.

  2. Thanks Witoyo for your feedback!
    I’ll see what I can do for font size settings in the next release.

    Meanwhile please let me know if you have any feedbacks or suggestions.

    And you are most welcome! 🙂

  3. Hi there,
    Thank you for making the app.
    I would like to share with you some ideas.

    First of all, it could be great being able to switch to horizontal position. (Only tried iPad 4)

    Continuing, I’d like to change the lenguage, and/or dhammapada data base, meaning that as far as there’s various versions of dhammapada, it could be awesome to switch between one another.


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