Daily Readings Updated with Selectable Books

The Daily Readings was recently updated with the Dhammapada verses and I received a comment suggesting for the previous verses from “Buddha Vacana” to be available.

After writing a php script to order the Dhammapada verses uniformly according to the sutta count in each book, I wrote an option to choose the book to read from.

From the screenshot above, you can find the dropdown list option with “Buddha Vacana” and “Dhammapada”.  The new code will remember your choice and display verses from the same book you chose.

For your convenience, you can change your options any time you want.  There is nothing to register or login to.

To keep it simple, the cookie just store ONE value, a bookid with value “1” or “2” (defaulting to “2”).  No personal information of yours is captured or stored, only this bookid.

If you do not have cookies enabled, it will default to “Dhammapada” and require you to choose the other available books manually.

If this new code breaks or crashes your browser, let me know. I’ll fix it.  If it gives  your cat sleepless nights and make your dog growl incessantly, let me know.  We may have discovered something amazing or crazy.  Or it could be totally unrelated.

Be Good, Be Mindful, Be Happy.

Yogācārabhūmi-śāstra 瑜伽師地論


Co-translated with Lee Cheng Soon

Translations in progress — ongoing changes are expected.

  1. Stage connected with the Body of Five Consciousness – edited 1 Dec 2020
  2. Stage of Mano – edited 1 Dec 2020
  3. Stage with Investigation and Analysis
  4. Stage without Investigation but with Analysis
  5. Stage without Investigation nor Analysis
  6. Stage of Samāhita – in progress
  7. Stage of Non-Samāhita – New 29 Jan 2021
  8. 9. Stage with and without Mind – New 1 Dec 2020
  9.  (combined with stage 8)
  10. Stage accomplished through Hearing
  11. Stage accomplished through Reflection
  12. Stage accomplished through Cultivation – edited 1 Dec 2020
  13. Stage of Śrāvaka
  14. Stage of Pratyekabuddha – Edited 9 Feb 2021
  15. Stage of Bodhisattva

Copyright Provenance: © 2012 Shi Chuan Guan and Lee Cheng Soon.
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