3 thoughts on “Buddhist World View”

  1. Dear Ven Sir

    This is a brilliant presentation of the planes of existence at a glance. but is the part on the Buddhas, Pacceka-buddhas, arahants and bodhisattvas meant to be a venn diagram? If yes, can you explain a little what this means? If no, can we download it for use in Dhamma classes? 😉


  2. We cannot equal the Bodhisatta to an enlightened being, as the Bodhisatta is essentially unenlightened and has not reached liberation from samsara, which differs him from the Arahant. Do you know the Sutta where our Buddha in one of his former Bodhisatta lives met with a former Buddha and was very disrespectful and not interested to listen to the Dhamma in the first place?

  3. @Ven Bodhi, thank you for writing.  I must have replied to your post in my mind and in person but not on the net!  As mentioned to you in person, the enlightened part is not really a venn diagram and please feel free to use it. 🙂

    @德僧, thank you for writing.  There are unenlightened Bodhisattas and enlightened ones as well.  We should also note that in the savaka (as in Savakasangho in the Sangha-vandana puja chant) path, there is also the sotapanna, sakadagami and anagami which are not explicitly listed here.  The unenlightened Bodhisattas are even below the sotapanna in terms of wisdom and insight into the Four Noble Truths and Three Characteristics while the enlightened Bodhisattas, like the four pairs, have attained insight to varying degrees.

    "Do you know the Sutta where our Buddha in one of his former Bodhisatta lives met with a former Buddha and was very disrespectful and not interested to listen to the Dhamma in the first place?"

    I am unfamiliar with such a sutta.


    Suki hontu.

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