Wild Elephants Gather to Mourn Death of Elephant Whisperer

In Buddhism, we see that all sentient beings are capable of thought and emotions.  In some faiths and religion, they believe that only human beings have a soul.  Buddhists do not share such a belief in a soul that is persisting, unchanging and has an independent existence, whether in human beings or in animals.

In Buddhism, we use the word “有情” for sentient beings, literally “with feelings / emotions”.  All sentient beings have feelings, fear pain and want happiness.  In this life, we may be born as a human being with greater intellect, in other lives, we may be born in other states or realms.  Amidst the facade, we all have Buddha Nature, the potential to become totally free, free of defilements, free of worries, stress, anxieties and suffering.  Free of limitations and boundaries to truly love, care and help others.

Recognising this potential in every sentient beings, it drives our outlook and mindset in life.  It shapes our attitude towards fellow sentient beings.

Time and again, animals have proven to have emotions and exhibited loyalty and devotion to each other, and in the following case, to a human being.


For 12 hours, two herds of wild South African elephants slowly made their way through the Zululand bush until they reached the house of late author Lawrence Anthony, the conservationist who saved their lives.The formerly violent, rogue elephants, destined to be shot a few years ago as pests, were rescued and rehabilitated by Anthony, who had grown up in the bush and was known as the “Elephant Whisperer.”

While animals do not have the facial expression to express emotions the way we humans do, it does not mean that they do not have emotions or that they do not feel.  Read on in the link above to find out how these herds of wild elephants and a man has an exchange of ‘words’ from the heart.

Denying Mental Qualities to Animals In Order to Eat Them

New research by Dr Brock Bastian from UQ’s School of Psychology highlights the psychological processes that people engage in to reduce their discomfort over eating meat.

This paper will be published in an upcoming edition of the Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin, where Dr Bastian and his co-authors show that people deny mental qualities to animals they eat.

“Many people like eating meat, but most are reluctant to harm things that have minds. Our studies show that this motivates people to deny minds to animals,” Dr Bastian said.

More after the link http://www.sciguru.com/newsitem/11437/Denying-mental-qualities-animals-order-eat-them

SAY NO to Sharks’ Fin Soup, SAY NO to Cruelty.

I am not advocating vegetarianism as a religious practice or mandate.  Rather I am saying, do we really have to placate our palates in such a manner that requires much suffering in other sentient living beings?


SAY NO to Sharks’ Fin Soup, SAY NO to Cruelty.

Before you eat or order your next bowl of Sharks Fin soup, please watch the following video past 5mins … I’ve not eaten Sharks’ Fin soup for probably over a decade now … watching how these animals are slaughtered for their fins and mostly thrown back into sea to die … mostly suffocating, as the sharks cannot swim without the fins … I feel so :(((

This is not about this or that precepts or whatever. This is about basic humaneness and non-cruelty. I screamed out when I saw the baby shark being stepped on and have its face / mouth sliced open while it struggled. :(((( *weep*

Some people comment that other forms of killing are as inhumane and cruel, if not more.  To that, I say that we then have to eat responsibly, to the best of our knowledge and ability.

Gordon Ramsay eats Shark Fin Soup for the first time!


Gordon Ramsey: Shark Bait


I Don’t Mind Ants Eating My Leftovers, It’s Just that They Have a Tendency to Drown in Them! ಠ_ಠ

Yes, I’ve said it.  I really don’t mind ants eating my leftovers, it is just that they have a tendency to drown in it.

So my little effort is to ensure that either

  1. I do not have any drinks (even plain water!) left unattended and uncovered.
  2. If ants have started helping themselves to the drink or food, I move them to the sink and drain the drink or food so that they do not drown1 in their food!
  3. n

For the most part, they do a great job cleaning up the leftovers and leave the utensil reading for light washing.  So I leave at peace with them.  :p

I usually finish up my drink and wash up.  But sometimes I leave a cup of water, yes, even plain water on my desk, only to find it swarmed by ants!  There is something about ants these days, they go all over the place even when there is no visible food or drinks around.  Aren’t they supposed to forage for food, and not just go jalan jalan?

Sometimes, they even bite me.  I once tried to endure the bite.  I wondered how much of the ant bite I can endure.  Not much I realised!  To be fair, I lasted probably close to 40+ secs or 1 min.  Problem is, sometimes I am trying to reply to emails, write an article or doing my own sutra / sastra study, and I am afraid I might accidentally crush them.  So I have developed a skill to pick them up skilfully and put them elsewhere.  Then someone suggests that this would get them lost and confused!  Arrgghh … there is no pleasing everyone huh?

Other times, I blow them away.  They seem rather resilient and are supposed to be able to support up to 400 many (502) times their body weight.  And some people say that it may feel like being blown away by a typhoon!  Oh dear!

Until I find a better way to deal with ants already on my body or in my vicinity, in danger of being crushed accidentally by me, I would pick them up or blow them away to safety.


1. Ants that in water can often be rescued.  Scoop them from water and remove excess water by carefully dabbing tissue or cloth and absorbing the water.  Then orally blow dry them.  Numerous ants had been ‘rescued’ and ‘revived’ these way.

2. http://wiki.answers.com/Q/How_much_weight_can_an_ant_carry
