Beware! Fake Buddhist monks at New York are demanding money from tourists.
In Buddhism, monks and nuns do not go on the street begging for money. When monastics go on alms round, they receive mainly food, but can receive basic requisites like robes, medicine as well.
They do not solicit for or beg for money, nor sell things. If you encounter any of them, they are probably fake monks masquerading as real ones and taking advantage of the kindness of visitors and tourists.

Photo: Angel Chevrestt – New York Post
What can you do?
You do not have to feel oblige to give if you encounter them on the streets or in the malls. In Singapore, you can call and report to the local police of their activities as it is illegal to solicit or beg in the street.
If you are interested to know more about Buddhism, you can go to your nearest temple or monastery to attend a chanting (puja) session, talk to a monk or nun today!
Fake Buddhist monks are the new squeegee men of New York