Heard a fellow monk said “(I’m) not eating. Eat when one is hungry, why eat when one is not hungry? ”
Simple and straight to the point!
Do we eat to live or live to eat? Sometimes we eat because of a celebration or function when in fact we really do not need to eat. But a meal is often times a chance to socialise and bond. This is especially true for families where everyone is busy working in the day, and the main opportunity to interact and bond is over dinner.
So sometimes we may partake in a meal when we are really not hungry, and for good reasons.
But reflecting over what this venerable said, perhaps we can still interact and bond while those who need to eat, can eat, while those who are not hungry, can tuck in to the delightful company and be fulfilled with food for thought?
If anyone can help translate the above and leave me a note, I’ll update it with Chinese translation. Thank you!
i think to get everyone to eat at the same time is becos- everyone will get hungry sooner or later!! so instead of getting mom to cook several times, why not just cook once and everyone sit and eat? haha…and plus, to have regular eating hour is good for one’s health isnt it? :p
Heard a fellow monk said “(I’m) not eating. Eat when one is hungry, why eat when one
is not hungry? ”
Simple and straight to the point!
Do we eat to live or eat to live? Sometimes we eat because of a celebration or
function when in fact we really do not need to eat. But a meal is often times a
chance to socialise and bond. This is especially true for families where
everyone is busy working in the day, and the main opportunity to interact and
bond is over dinner.
吃饭是为了生存?还是吃饭是生存的目的?(English has typo)有时我们吃饭是为了庆祝,或者是为了别种目的,比如吃饭是社交的一种方式,大家可以借此沟通感情。尤其是当每个人在白天都忙着工作,晚餐是一家人团聚沟通的主要机会。
So sometimes we may partake in a meal when we are really not hungry, and for good
But reflecting over what this venerable said, perhaps we can still interact and
bond while those who need to eat, can eat, while those who are not hungry, can
tuck in to the delightful company and be fulfilled with food for thought?