A lesson in Perseverance and Team Spirit

Tell me you didn’t clap in the end!!  *clap* *clap* *clap*

It was too muffled to hear what they were saying, nor hear what the teacher told him.
But we can see that
1) No one jeered when he failed.  There was just silence.
2) No one made any false pretense of positive encouragements that the failed attempts were good.
3) Cheering came each time towards the point of execution
4) The peer encouragement seemed to be initiated by the students themselves.
The boy was crying, but no one appeared worried that he was getting hurt. There is no need to be so overly worried about self-esteem the way our society has become.
To become emotionally resilient, we need to learn to face failures, starting from small ones. To face setbacks. And when we do stupid things, to expect to be told off that we did stupid things.
Gambatte kudasai!!

What shall we celebrate?


SG50 is upon us in two days time.  Celebrations abound all over the island.  As we celebrate our nation’s 50 years of modern nationhood, what do we celebrate?  (rightly speaking, Singapore can be traced back to Temasek, which would make Singapore 200+ years old)
For the longest time, we celebrate successful entrepreuners and business man and woman for their business acumen and material success.  We celebrate actors and actresses for their acting, beauty and looks.  We celebrate singers and musicians for their talents and mastery of vocals and instruments.  We celebrate top students for their academic excellence.Don’t get me wrong, not suggesting to undermine people’s success and effort.  But are there other things worth celebrating?  Fortunately, there is.
“Seeing the happiness in the eyes of the Syrian refugee children is just priceless. We started our journey to happiness with making others happy.”
These are such beautiful words that speak of such loveliness in the Turkish couple who decided to get married in a different way.  Makes me feel so inspired!
Let’s celebrate this couple’s wisdom and kindness!  Isn’t this as worthwhile emulating, if not more?We may know of those around us with wisdom, kindness and compassion in Singapore.
Why not celebrate and share this?  You might just inspire someone to do some good today! ^_^
Thank you Jay for sharing this video on facebook!


Ouija Board: What moves the planchette?

Below is a video by National Geographic on the ouija board.

The ouija (/ˈwiːdʒə/ WEE-jə), also known as a spirit board or talking board, is a flat board marked with the letters of the alphabet, the numbers 0–9, the words “yes”, “no”, “hello” (occasionally), and “goodbye”, along with various symbols and graphics.

It uses a planchette (small heart-shaped piece of wood or plastic) as a movable indicator to indicate a spirit’s message by spelling it out on the board during a séance.


So what moves the planchette?  Is it really spirits from beyond?  Ghosts of our loved ones, demons, gods?  Some religions consider the ouija board to be occult and dangerous and have even banned their followers from using it.  Is it really dangerous?  Who are we reaching out to with the ouija board?

Watch the video clip below and find out.



Thousands of Animals Have Been Saved in Nepal as Mass Slaughter Is Cancelled

A Hindu temple in Nepal has ended a centuries-old tradition of animal sacrifice, thanks to animal activists, India’s supreme court and the temple management’s wisdom.

Compassion: 1     Animal Sacrifice: 0


Nepalese temple authorities agreed to cancel the centuries-old Hindu tradition following a campaign from Humane Society International (HSI) and Animal Welfare Network Nepal (AWNN).

… …
In a statement, Gadhimai Temple Trust Chairman, Mr Ram Chandra Shah, said: “The time has come to transform an old tradition. The time has come to replace killing and violence with peaceful worship and celebration.”

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