Treatise on the Hundred Dharmas
Come join us @ The Buddhist Library
Every Wednesday 7.30pm to 9.30pm

Bite-sized Dharma on the go!
Treatise on the Hundred Dharmas
Come join us @ The Buddhist Library
Every Wednesday 7.30pm to 9.30pm
Join us for a rejuvenating full-day retreat in urban Singapore to refresh your body and mind.
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Living a Loving and Awakened Life 入菩薩行論
Class #12 for in 2017
Treatise on the Hundred Dharmas
Come join us @ The Buddhist Library
Every Wednesday 7.30pm to 9.30pm
In the Buddha’s Words
Approaching the Dhamma, pg 88
Living a Loving and Awakened Life 入菩薩行論
Class #11 for in 2017