RPSXL – 20170427

Living a Loving and Awakened Life 入菩薩行論

Term 3: Lesson 2
Chapter 4: Verse 20


RPSXL - Living a Loving and Awakened Life ~ Bodhicaryavatara
RPSXL - Living a Loving and Awakened Life ~ Bodhicaryavatara
RPSXL - 20170427

RPSXL – 20170420

Living a Loving and Awakened Life 入菩薩行論

Term 3: Lesson 1
Chapter 4: Verse 12


RPSXL - Living a Loving and Awakened Life ~ Bodhicaryavatara
RPSXL - Living a Loving and Awakened Life ~ Bodhicaryavatara
RPSXL - 20170420

BAIFA – 20170419

Treatise on the Hundred Dharmas

Mental Concomittants – Five Pervasive

Come join us @ The Buddhist Library
Every Wednesday 7.30pm to 9.30pm


BAIFA - Treatise on the Hundred Dharma
BAIFA - Treatise on the Hundred Dharma
BAIFA - 20170419

BAIFA – 20170412

Treatise on the Hundred Dharmas

Mental Concomittants – Five Pervasive

Come join us @ The Buddhist Library
Every Wednesday 7.30pm to 9.30pm


BAIFA - Treatise on the Hundred Dharma
BAIFA - Treatise on the Hundred Dharma
BAIFA - 20170412