ITBW – 20170620

In the Buddha’s Words

Happiness Visible in This Present Life, pg 122

The Family, Seven kinds of Wives, Anguttara Nikaya 7:59

ITBW - In the Buddha's Words *
ITBW - 20170620

ITBW – 20170613

In the Buddha’s Words

Happiness Visible in This Present Life, pg 119

The Family, Repaying One’s Parents, Anguttara Nikaya 2: iv, 2

ITBW - In the Buddha's Words *
ITBW - 20170613

ITBW – 20170606

In the Buddha’s Words

Happiness Visible in This Present Life, pg 117

Worshipping the Six Directions
Excerpt from Sigalovada Sutta, Digha Nikaya 31

ITBW - In the Buddha's Words *
ITBW - 20170606