In the Buddha’s Words
The Way to a Fortunate Rebirth: Kamma and Its Fruits, pg 164 para 13

Bite-sized Dharma on the go!
Podcasts on Dharma, Life and Stuffs by Ven Chuan Guan that may make you laugh, cry or get enlightened and be crazy happy! ^.^
In the Buddha’s Words
The Way to a Fortunate Rebirth: Kamma and Its Fruits, pg 164 para 13
In the Buddha’s Words
Happiness Visible in This Present Life, pg 124
3. Present Welfare, Future Welfare
In the Buddha’s Words
Happiness Visible in This Present Life, pg 122
The Family, Seven kinds of Wives, Anguttara Nikaya 7:59
In the Buddha’s Words
Happiness Visible in This Present Life, pg 119
The Family, Repaying One’s Parents, Anguttara Nikaya 2: iv, 2
In the Buddha’s Words
Happiness Visible in This Present Life, pg 117
Worshipping the Six Directions
Excerpt from Sigalovada Sutta, Digha Nikaya 31
In the Buddha’s Words
Happiness Visible in This Present Life, pg 116
Excerpt from Sigalovada Sutta, Digha Nikaya 31