Monthly Lunch Gathering@2pm + Weekly Sunday Group Cultivation@2pm


1 Feb 2015: Lunch Gathering @ 12pm + Sunday Group Cultivation @ 2pm

The once-a-month lunch gathering is here again! Join us for a cozy lunch as we tuck into yummy food and share with fellow Dharma brothers and sisters.

What to Bring?

This month onwards, food will be provided and potluck offering is optional.  So go green and just bring your own utensils and cutleries!!

*BONUS* Vege Soup Recipe Below

If you wish, you can also bring some food or items to do offering to the presiding venerable.

Finger Food & Beverages List

1. Packet drinks
2. Bottled drinks
3. Chips, Ole etc
4. Fresh Fruits Platter
5. Choice of Finger Food
– Vege Nuggets, Vege Samosa
6. Choice of Vege Finger Sandwiches
– Vege Ham & Cheese, Vege Tuna Mayo, Tofu Mayo
7. French Fries, Potato Wedges
8. Spring Roll, Crispy Vege Ball,
9. Grilled Sausage with Hotdog Bun
10. Choice of Pizza – Vege anything … wink emoticon

Hot Favourites
1. Fried Bee Hoon
2. Fried Noodles
3. Laksa
4. Olive Fried Rice
5. Desserts

Surprise Items (If you bring it, then it’s not a surprise!)
1. Prata
2. Indian curry
3. Whatever vege stuffs you find in your kitchen!! grin emoticon

And if you cannot find anything, just bring yourself along with utensils and cutlery! wink emoticon

See you on Sunday @ 12pm for the potluck lunch offering! kiki emoticon


If you are up for the challenge, try this recipe I learnt from my monastery in US.

Difficulty Level: 6.5 / 10

Mixed Vege Soup
1. White Radish 白蘿蔔
2. Carrot 紅蘿蔔
3. Potato 馬鈴薯/土豆
4. Tomato 番茄/西紅柿
5. Big Chinese Cabbage 大白菜
6. Special item. Msg me for special item. 特別材料。電郵詢問。 tongue emoticon

1. Cut items 1 – 4 into large chunks.
2. Cut item 5 into bite-size pieces, smaller near the root, larger near the leave.

1. Boil pot of water with item 1, 2, 3.
2. Put half servings of tomato and sections of chinese cabbage nearer to root into pot to boil in step 1.
3. Boil for 30mins, then reduce to 34.5% heat. Just kidding, just lower the heat to medium.
3. Add remainder half of tomato and chinese cabbage.
4. Boil for another 20mins or until everything is nicely cooked.
5. Add salt and pepper for flavour.
5. Add special item.

Enjoy this wonderful home made soup!! kiki emoticon

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