如何消除煩惱 How to Remove Defilements?

煩惱為何義    何故欲消除    能擾亂其心    不得安樂住    發動諸惡業    令招感苦果    故一切佛子    應除滅煩惱

What is the meaning of ‘Defilement’,

For what reason (that we) desire its eradication?

(Defilements) can agitate the mind,

causing it not to abide in happiness (at ease),

evoking various harmful karma (actions through body, speech or mind),

causing (one) to experience painful fruits (results),

Hence all disciples of the Buddha, should eradicate defilements.

During Group Practise @ SBF yesterday, I shared the above verses and we discussed what defilements were.  The Chinese word “煩惱” captures the meaning rather succinctly, but it appeared to the group that the word ‘defilement’ seem quite alien to most people.  When quizzed for a meaning of ‘defilement’ outside of the Buddhist teachings, we found that most people (within the group) do not use it frequently enough.  We later settled for “that which ‘soils’, ‘dirties’ ” … ‘tarnish’ perhaps?

Defilements literally means ‘that which defiles’, or the impurities within or without (outside of) an object that makes the object impure, dirty, soiled etc.  The pali word is ‘kilesa’, ‘klesa’ in Sanskrit and is typically translated as defilement.

The group described defilements as troubles, problems, anxiety, anger, stress, jealousy etc.  While all these describes what defilements are or at least situations linked to it,  they are more like types of defilements, than describing what defilement really is.  I like the above Chinese verses as it quite nicely captures the common qualities of ‘defilements’.

In forty characters, the above verses describes the two question about defilement, what it is and why we should remove it, then it describes the qualities of defilements, and finally leading to the conclusion that henceforth, all disciples of the Buddha should eradicate defilements.

So what are the defilements you see either in yourself or people around you?  Care to share?

Q&A: Laziness and Internet Addiction

2) Can the venerable give me some advice on how to cope with laziness and internet addiction?

Hmmm … laziness and internet addiction. Quite an interesting pair … ‘cos laziness is inactivity, while addiction is not.

We can be lazy about many things. For example, I’m “lazy” when it comes to killing mosquitoes. So I’ve not killed one (in my knowledge) for many many years. I’m also “lazy” with making money. So I’ve quit my job and become a monk, and have not made any cash for all these years; the up side is that you cannot be retrenched as a result! :p We are lazy about some things and passionate about others, even to the point of being addicted to them. The difference between the two, lies in interest.

We are lazy about things that do not interest us. Life, unfortunately and frequently, requires us to do things that are less than interesting. Take work for example. Most of us are not interested in our work. Really. We are driven mostly by what it can bring us or others. Sometimes that is monetary gain, sometimes it is a sense of satisfaction derived from identifying ourselves with the profession. Without the motivation behind, we would naturally be lazy, and I say that without condoning or condemning it.

To fight laziness, one would then need to find the value in the thing or activity. This value may then generate interest and in turn drive and energy. Cutting internet addiction on the otherhand, would require one to see the effects such an addiction brings you. You may need to share with me the extent which the person, with internet addiction, is surfing the internet. The frequency and duration etc. Is it serious enough to be considered an addiction? How is using the internet affecting the persons’ life? Is it hampering his normal daily activities such as studies, work or personal life? These information would be
helpful for a start.

Let me know how this work out and we can follow up on it.