
Venerable Zhi Xing was ordained under Master Miu King (Master Miao Jing 妙境長老) in 2002 (higher ordination in 2003) and began his monastic training in Fa Yun Monastery (New Mexico, United States).  He learned the sutras and practised meditation under the Mahayana Buddhist tradition while studying the Theravadin Pali Canon.

2006 to 2016, he trained and served as resident monk in the Buddhist Library and KMSPKS. He currently teaches in various Buddhist societies and conducts retreats while providing counseling and spiritual services.

You can find him via this blog, and his Dharma apps on Apple and Android mobile devices.  He received his degree in Computer Engineering from Nanyang Technological University (NTU) and worked in the tech industry prior to monkhood.  (Oh and sometimes he also provide technical tutelage to students studying computing! haha)


Have some thoughts or comments to share?
Drop a line below or reach me through my sister Irene Lim.

Listen to my podcast ITBW

Be Good, Be Mindful, Be Happy.

Monasteries and Centres Stayed in

2002 – 2006 Fa Yun Monastery of my late teacher, Master Miu King.

2006 – 2009, 2013 – 2016 Kong Meng San Phor Kark See Monastery

2009 – 2013 The Buddhist Library

Short Stays or Visits

2003 Abhayagiri Buddhist Monastery

2003 Deer Park Monastery

2005 Samadhi Buddhist Society

2005 Leng Foong Prajna Temple

2005 Pu Ji Si Buddhist Research Centre

2006 Bodhi Tree Forest Monastery

2007 (Jan) Santi Forest Monastery

2007 Chanmyay Yeiktha Meditation Centre (Hmawbi)

2009 Buddha Dhamma Mandala Society

34 thoughts on “Author”

  1. Dear friend,
    I feel very honoured to have my blog commented by a buddhist monk! Buddhists have done a lot to promote inter-religious harmony and tolerance, compassion to all sentient beings and really, just universal love. Although as a secular humanist I do not believe in reincarnation, there is a lot that we have in common when it comes to respect, tolerance and compassion.

    1. Dear Benjamin,

      Nice to read your blog and have your comments here!

      There is definitely a lot we can learn and share with one another.  For one, Buddhism is more concerned with how regardless of what one may believe in, whether we can live, act and speak in a way that is conducive for love and compassion.  So in a way, we do not see the need to convert people’s beliefs … but those actions that are harmful. 🙂

      We recognise and rejoice in charity and kindness regardless of the name or religion it is done in, and we will not condone any acts of harm or violence done in the name of religion, even if it is Buddhism.

      As I shared with someone recently, let’s not be so preoccupied with past life and next (after) life.  Let’s apply our religion to improve this life, to have peace and harmony in this life, this year, this moment.  For if we cannot have ‘heaven’ here and now, arguing about it in the future is futile.

      With metta,

  2. Dear Venerable Chuan Guan, Happy Lunar New Year to you. You have been a great dharma teacher. We look forward to more of your dharma talks, especially the Daily Dhamma doses. Sadhu! Sadhu! Sadhu!

    1. Thank you Rosalind for your kind words and Happy Belated Chinese New Year to you too.
      When there are conditions, the Daily Dhamma Doses will resume.

      If you all have Dharma questions etc, you can also post here or contact my sister.

      In the mean time, take care and blessings.

  3. Hi Venerable Chuan Guan

    It been a long long while that I last hear from you. Have you change your name to Shi Zhixing?

    I sincerely hope u are well and looking forward to your heart sutra and diamond sutra lesson.

    Hope u can still keep in touch.

    Best regards

    1. Hi Vivien,

      Thank you for asking. Yes, it’s been awhile. I’ve been ok, doing my own study and practices.
      As for the name, “Shi Zhi Xing” is the ordination Dharma name while “Shi Chuan Guan” is the name given during my mentorship in KMS.

      If you need to contact shifu in future, you can do so via my sister, Irene Lim.

      With metta,

  4. Dear Venerable Chuan Guan
    I am glad to find you here, didn’t hear from you for a long time, misses your class on 心经-English version, the laksa? 😁
    Wish you in your best of health and look forward to see you again….,ya….say yes…😆

    1. Dear Alfred,

      Thank you for your well wishes and kind words. Hope you’ve been keeping well and the Dharma has kept you and your family well and happy!

      For sure, YES!, we’ll meet again, just arrange with my sister Irene. She now helps to handle contact with students.

      Again, good to hear from you.
      Stay safe and see you all.

      With metta,

  5. Good morning ! I am Mee Thoo and we are missing the Dharma talks by Shifu. Where can I go to attend his talks in June/ July 2024? Thank you in advance!

    1. Hi Mee Thoo, this is Irene, Shifu’s sister. I will be the admin for the blog going forward. Thank you for your interest in learning the Dharma from Shifu. I will pm you on your question. Thank you 😊🙏

    1. Hi Sharon, this is Irene, Shifu’s sister. I will be the admin for the blog going forward. Thank you for your interest in learning the Dharma from Shifu. I will pm you on your question. Thank you 😊🙏

  6. Good afternoon Shifu, hope you are well 🙏🏼🙇🏽‍♀️

    I am soooooo glad to find you after these few years. Even my 83-year young aunt has been asking if I can find Shifu.

    Shifu, where can we go to listen/attend your Dharma talks and 8 Precepts again?

    Thank you 🙏🏼

    Hi Sister Irene, looking forward to your pm. Thank you 🙏🏼 😃

  7. Hi Sis Irene, I did comment few days ago here. I would like to visit shifu for dana lunch/breakfast together with NTUBS friends. Thank you

    1. Hi Bro Diego

      Thank you for reaching out during Kathina last year.
      Pls feel free to whatsapp me if you want to contact Shifu.

      Thank you,
      Irene 🙂

  8. Hi Sister Irene

    I am glad I finally found this site. I attended Venerable Chuan Guan fa shi’s parent talks many years ago at KMSPK. I would like to get in touch with Shi fu. Can trouble you to link me up with Shi fu ? Thank you very much. 感恩.

    1. Hi Sis Lai Wan

      Hope the last meetup with Shifu was fruitful for your family.
      Pls feel free to contact me if you have any other queries.

      With Metta
      Irene Lim 🙏

    1. Hi Sis Pamelina

      Thanks for reaching out.
      I have just sent you an email for your question.
      Do whatsapp me if you have further queries.

      With Metta,
      Irene 🙏

      1. Hi Sis Lee Fang

        Thank you for your message.
        I have just sent you an email for your question.
        Do whatsapp me if you have further queries.

        With Metta,
        Irene 🙏

  9. Dear Sister Irene,

    I would like to know if Venerable Chuan Guan (Shifu) is still teaching Dhamma classes?

    Thank you.

    With Metta,
    Nigel Ng

    1. Hi Bro Nigel,
      Thank you for your message.
      I have emailed me the details for your questions.
      Pls WhatsApp me if you have further questions.

      With Metta,
      Irene 🙏

    1. Hi Sis Elaine
      Thank you for your message.
      I have emailed you my mobile no.
      Pls WhatsApp me so that I can provide you more details.

      With Metta,
      Irene 🙏

  10. Hi, hope Shifu has been well. Would be great if I can be placed on Shifu’s mailing list, if he has one. Sadhu and thank you for everything.

    1. Hi Sis Coral, thank you for your message. I have emailed you my mobile no. Pls WhatsApp me & I will add you to the group list. Thanks 🙏

    2. Hi Sis Coral, I tried to email you but your email didn’t seem to get through. I rec’d error message. Pls check if the email that you used for the posting is correct. Thanks

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